Friday, March 19, 2010

I Have Green Eyes

It was St. Patrick's day and Spencer wasn't wearing green. He told me he had green eyes. I told him that what would happen is he would still get a lot of pinches cause explaining about his green eyes would happen after he was already pinched. So we came up with the idea of making a shirt that would hopefully stop all pinchers in their tracks. And then we ate green muffins and green milk.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Swiper no Swiping!

Innocently playing... Leah eyes the prize... She swipes it while Ava isn't looking! Poor Ava!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

What is it With This Kid?

He is my third child and after two angels, one of my sisters said I need to have a challenging kid. So then along came Joshy. He wasn't fussy or anything like that, but as soon as he could crawl or walk, he was getting into things and making messes. I put in cabinet safety locks and got those plastic thingy's that go on the door handles. What I really needed was a large cage... er, playpen. He was and is just a curious little thing and if I wasn't closely supervising, he was into something. So much so, as a matter of fact, I started documenting everything so I could remember and laugh about it later. I do, by the way, laugh about it. Cause it is later.

But that is what did it... the goofy faces every time a camera gets pointed in his direction. I did it to him... I know I did. He is the star and I am the paparazzi. Most of his mischief has been documented, which means I have taken many, many photos of this little guy. I would hope if he ever did become a star he would put on a little bit more of a dignified face...
He is my Joshy and I wouldn't change a thing or have him any other way.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why Eightloves?

Why the name 'Eightloves'? Because there are eight people in my life that I love more than I could ever explain... sometimes more than I, myself, can comprehend. It is difficult to explain the enormity of the love experienced when you have a child of your own. It is enormous... it is overwhelming... it is unconditional... it is endless...

I remember I was pregnant with Ashley (my second), and I was EXTREMELY concerned and stressed wondering how I could possibly love another child as much as I loved Spencer. It was, and is, very important to me not to show favoritism to any of my children. They will all be loved equally at all times. Then I had Ashley and the love was just there. It came naturally. For each child I've had since, the same exact amount of love is always there. Who knew that so much love was ever possible?

It made me understand just a tiny portion of the love Heavenly Father feels for his children... for each one of us. He really does love ALL of us, and he loves us unconditionally. Because I am also a parent, I know it is so and experience this amazing love towards my kids every day.

So when I thought of the name 'Eightloves', I just knew it was perfect. I love my children and I love my husband so incredibly much. They are my universe and bring me more happiness than I could ever have doing anything else or being in any other place. This incredible love towards another human being is something I will always cherish.

And that is why... 'Eightloves'.

Monday, March 1, 2010


My sister and I wanted to do something with the kids today... something other than what we have been doing, which has been nothing particularly exciting, yet still always busy.

We decided on a walk and then thought we would kill two birds with one stone, and get a few groceries at the same time.
So now you can visualize...

This is how we looked heading home. And to think that we ran into two people I knew!!! How embarrassing!

I got a cute princess sleeping bag for Madi's b-day in two days and it hung in true bag-lady style off the side of my stroller.

I won't be doing this again anytime soon, but for what it's worth, I did get a good workout pushing a gazillion tons today... and now, in non-bagger-lady-ish style, I gratefully go to my nice, warm bed... G'NIGHT!