Saturday, July 10, 2010

West Yellowstone

We recently returned from a very spontaneous & quick trip to Montana. Rich's family has a log cabin there and there was some work that needed to be done on it.

I have been very hesitant to travel with so many little ones, and especially little ones that are not yet walking. Going to a park is hard enough when they're crawling & eating mouthfuls of icky non-edibles (some might be edible, but ICK!). And TWO of them crawling in seperate directions keeps this mommy VERY busy.

So taking crawling twins to a mouse infested log cabin with not so clean floors was not very exciting to me.

Well, I decided we would give it a go anyway and packed everyone up. I am so glad we went after all because I found a large playpen and the twins loved playing in it and I was able to get some good cabin work done.

And I was worried about MOUSE infestation???

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